Bucket list

1. Ride in a Boeing 747

2. See the world

3. Get rich

4. Create something worthwhile

5. Run a company

6. Rule a country

7. Live to be 100 years old

8. Fly a fighter jet

9. Drive in LeMans

10. Go on a luxury cruise

11. Buy and destroy my schoolbus

12. Demolish a building with explosives as a demolition expert

13. Meet the Queen

14. Have my picture on the cover Forbes magazine

15. Meet the president

16. Fire a missle

17. Win the nobel prize

18. Rescue someone

19. Drive in a car chase

20. Be on Top Gear

21. Have the finest car collection in the world

22. Live in a big house

23. Taste caviar

24. Go into outer space

25. Have my own family

26. Make a lasting impact on the world

27. Get into a top college

28. Make all A’s in highschool

29. Live in NYC

30. Live in a foreign country

31. Make the world a nicer place

32. Drive big construction equipment

33. Pilot a nuclear submarine

34. Write a book

35. Climb Mt. Kilamanjaro

36. Learn the difference between affect and effect

37. Graduate from a top college.

38. Take my mother to French Polynesia

39. Get all A’s in college

40. Become an engineer

41. Get a master’s degree in my chosen profession

42. Get an A on this blog post

43. Set foot on the moon

43. Become one of Time’s top 10 most-influential people

44. Make an important scientific discovery

45. Meet the Pope

46. Do something unique and amazing

47. Be on Mythbusters

48. Captain a huge ship.

49. Own a large gemstone

50. Own a bar of solid gold

51. Buy everything in the Smithsonian

52. Have an office in the top of the world’s tallest building

52. See and touch exotic animals

53. Make the school buy us better laptops

54. Strike oil

55. Find a sizeable mineral deposit

56. Fly in a helicopter

57. Learn how to scuba dive

58. Somehow make D.C. less corrupt, ineffecient, and out of touch with the rest of the country

59. Take part in a parade

60. Have something no one else has

61. Witness a miracle

62. Go horseback riding in the English moors

63. Go off roading in a jeep

64. See the superbowl in person

65. Own a private jet

66. Create the next big social media craze

67. Live in LA.

68. Split an atom

69. Live in the 1950’s

70. Live in the 1920’s

71. Live in antebellum-era Georgia

72. Fight in a dogfight

73. Live in classical Britian

74. Witness something first

75. See something that will literally leave me speachless

76. Take car of a baby animal

77. Drive some of the greatest and most specalized land vehicles on the planet

78. Drive a Ferrari

79. Go deep sea fishing

80. Create a new flavor of icecream

81. Find a cure for the common cold

82. Only get sick once every one or two years

83. Experience zero gravity

84. Have a vast and diverse library

85. Run a road race

86. Learn to type faster

87. See the bottom of the ocean

88. See where the Titanic sank

89. Laugh at China’s downfall

90. Try every one of Gigi’s cupcakes

91. Eat a box of fine chocolate

92. Own a Rolex

93. Get a chauffer

94. Never have to ride the school bus again

95. Star in a James Bond movie

96. Learn a third language

97. Have my name on the Walk of Fame

98. Get a scholarship

99. Hug a panda

100. Design a car

Song: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/k/kris_allen/live_like_were_dying.html


I Am…

I am unique. Some people call me abrasive, and I probably am in some situations. I take a while to acclimate to new environments and do not really like change. Pushing floral foam into a terracotta pot chagrins me and grinds down my nerves. I am not extremely complacent, but I am still happy with my role in the world. I concur with the beliefs of Christianity. I generally try not to indulge in defamation since it harms others. I try to explicate my viewpoints to others when the appropriate time arises. I do not like enjoy watching a fracas, and I am a rather peaceful individual. I also dislike grotesque things, and frightening things displease me. Loud noises and pandemonium irritate me too since I am not a racous person, and I try to avoid these things at all costs. I am generally receptive to the needs of other people and try to help them whenever I can. I encourage other people to renounce their destructive habits like smoking since I do not want anybody to suffer at any point in their lives. Although I rarely experience unpleasant outburst, I attempt to repress them whenever I feel them coming. In some situations I may be described as reticent. I enjoy partaking in the consumption of savory dishes since I like good food. I do not feel somnolent often, and I am generally very active and awake. I voice vehement protests to the unfair treatment of myself and of others. When discussing political topics that concern me, I may become rather voluble. When it comes to my hobbies, I am quite zealous about partaking in events related to them. I enjoy playing tennis and the violin and believe that I am rather good at the latter. I also like to do volunteer work in the community and at my church, and I frequently am involved in helping those who are less fortunate than I am. Additionally, I take pleasure in doing activities in the outdoors like camping, bicycling, canoeing, and hiking. Occasionally, I will go camping too. Going on vacations is a significant part of my life, and I have been to Italy, Alaska, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Mostly, I like doing these things with my wonderful and loving family because I feel that when I do things with them, they are more enjoyable and memorable. When I am not traveling the world or playing my instrument, I am usually relaxing at home reading a good book or building models. The books I like to read the most are mysteries of political thrillers, and I like to construct replicas of important buildings around the world or of classic cars. In the future I hope to become an engineer of some sort, perhaps in the civil or aeronautical field. I have always wanted to construct a complex edifice or piece of technology to leave my mark on the world, and I feel like becoming an engineer will allow me to accomplish these goals. I am smart, dedicated, and hardworking, and I will work however hard I need to work in order to achieve my goals. I have also always wanted to see China because I find this country to be deeply fascinating since it so different from the country in which have grown up in and lived in for all of my life. I like learning about new things which is probably why I do especially well in school, and I am one of the top students in my grade. My quest for knowledge has opened up many opportunities, and I hope that I will continue to have much success in whatever field I choose to go into. I feel that I will be capable of doing this though and I am hopeful about what my future holds.

Song: http://www.elyrics.net/read/a/audioslave-lyrics/be-yourself-lyrics.html Be Yourself by Audioslave


Friends are…

       Friends are a valuable asset that poses attributes that are far from infinitesimal. The characteristics of a true friend are applicable in many situations. For example, they can provide support to you and help militate those who seek to harm you when you are beset by other people who have a strong antipathy towards you, and their compassion or exuberant antics may help to cheer you up when you feel sad or alone. Wheather your friends posses decorum, posses moral prowess when compared to many others, are sedate in nature, or are stentorian during many situations, you should not treat true friends like innocuous specks in your life and should not subject them to routine and implacable duress. Moulding your behavior into the facsimile of a dictator’s actions will leave your life empty and cold which is something no one wants. instead, revel in their presence and imbibe wisdom and insight from them. You should also stipulate your actions to be warm and welcoming towards them so that the requirement to form ultimatums to settle bitter disputes and disagreements will occur infrequently. It should be patent to your friends that you value them in your life and that you cherish their friendship and wish to maintain it for many years to come. If all of these things are done, your friendship will last forever and grow stronger over time. The friends your retain will be able to assist you through life’s struggles and provide company to you when you feel most alone. In fact,friends can be viewed as a lubricant for life, making it easier to slide through the world without encountering friction or discord. Friends can also kick-start you when you find yourself stalled and can sometimes provide you with inspiration which may be useful in certain areas and times of life as well. However, for a good friendship to form, you will have to choose your friends wisely since failing to do so may yield unpleasant or disastrous results. If your friends are not compatible with you, then frequent strife and discord will frequently arise in your relationship. These troubles will eventually tear the relationship apart. Furthermore, though, selecting the wrong companions can also land you in trouble not only emotionally but also physically. Bad friends can serve as a negative influence towards you and can leed you to into trouble by making you start taking part in risky activities like doing drugs or breaking the law. The consequences of such activities can be detrimental to your health and your freedoms, and the repercussions of the aforementioned activities can last for a lifetime. Even if the consequences do not last forever, they can still ruin the rest of your life. For example, even a minor criminal record can prevent you from obtaining a quality job and, thus, becoming successful, wealthy, and influential. Additionally, you will lose all the benefits which a good friend can provide like helping you advance in the world or providing both physical and emotional support when you are going through rough times. Overall, you should choose your friends wisely since the friends you choose can and will make an impact on your life. You and your friends should be compatible and should get along so that your relationship will be smooth and trouble-free, and you and your friends should help each other and provide support to one another whenever one of you falls into a state of turmoil. A good friend will do all these things and more and the companionship of a valuable and unique individual will greatly improve your life and will definitely will be worth the effort required to maintain and advance the relationship.

Song: You’ve Got a Friend in me http://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/woodysroundup/youvegotafriendinme.htm


Family is….

        Family is a fact of life. It comes with your birth and stays with you for your entire life. It can be a helpful thing to have and may alleviate your pain with love or it can be the antithesis of helpful. Your family may appall you, and they may be droll or nondescript. Your family may contain vivacious individuals, loquacious people, bellicose relatives, or dissonant in-laws that fight whenever they can. They can also respond with alacrity to your needs whenever you get into trouble or they may disparage your memory when you get into a fix. The elders may edict proper behavior and respect from you when you are around them or they may be as carefree and zany as anyone you will ever meet. They may be able to elucidate some mysteries of life to you, but, on the other hand, they can be really quite stupid. They may laud you for your achievements or they may never seem to be satisfied. Your family my loll around all day or they may force you to help them do all manner of unpleasant chores. They may be magnanimous towards you when you bring them harm or they may destroy you for even trying to speak to them again. It may be mandatory to visit them or they could care less if you did. The older members of your family may be phlegmatic when it comes to movement and/or intelligence or they may be a picture of health and athleticism. They may often rescind your appeals for money or they can be loaded and extremely generous. Their nurturing may whet your people skills or their inattention could ruin the rest of your life. You may have numerous relatives or you may have hardly any. All of your family members may also be dead, but that is rather depressing and generally unlikely. On a different note though, your family may be foreign or they may be as American as NASCAR. They may live in an exotic location like French Polynesia or they may live in a trailer park like mine used to do. Your relatives may be very generous and give you expensive gifts or they may be cheap or poor and be incapable of giving you anything  because they barely scrape by themselves. Your family may repulse others, especially your friends and other people important to you. Other families, though, may be exceptionally welcoming and hospitable. Your family may have hated you from the moment you were born or they may smother you with love. Your cousins may be stupid and smelly or, conversely, suave and refined. Your aunts and uncles may possess many interesting and  entertaining stories or they may be as dull and boring as watching grass grow and paint dry. Wow, I’m starting to run out of filler sentences. Oh well, I’ll still have to try. Sigh. Your family members may be a bad influence on you or they may be strict and orthodox religious folks. Your relatives may be outlaws and drunkards, terrorists even. On the other hand, they could be upstanding citizens or military personnel. Your family may disgust you or you may be proud to call them your own. Your family may be brave or cowardly. They could be always happy or constantly sad. Your family could be of mixed-race or one ethnicity. The could be homosexual of heterosexual. They could be of any religion imaginable or they could be atheists. Your family may be geniuses or simple-minded individuals. Your family could be a mix of all the things stated above. Regardless of what your family is, though, they are unique, and they are yours. You’re stuck with them for life, like it or not. So either get over it or be happy you have one.

  • Song:
  • Blessed
  • Words And Music By
  • Cheryl Wheeler


  • Dancing in our rooms, you knew all the moves
  • Thinkin of Mom in saddle shoes, it was amazing
  • Laughing family, long Monopoly
  • Sunday night TV, Adam and Hop Sing
  • We were as blessed as blessed can be
  • You and Mom and Dad and me
  • Singin’ in 4 part harmony
  • “I Love To Tell The Story”
  • Me and my guitar, softball in the yard
  • Breezeway playin’ cards with half of the neighborhood
  • Their crazy bridge club nights, Sunday back road drives
  • Running for our lives down into Rhode’s woods
  • And it seemed like something just this side of heaven
  • Comin’ from the AM radio
  • And it felt like it would just go on forever
  • Singin “Long Time Man” and “Pretty Peggy-o”
  • Now we’re old and gray, mem’ries fade away
  • These are here to stay, that is our blessing
  • “I love to tell the story
  • ‘Twill be my theme in glory
  • To tell the old, old story
  • Of Jesus and his love”

Picture: For some reason the blog won’t let me post a picture here so here is the link to it instead: http://familybusiness.rutgers.edu/


Life Is…

            Life can be interesting, joyful and wonderful. However, I most often find that it is extremely random and confusing, to say the least. As a result, I have been inspired to try to replicate the randomness of life in my following post by being equally confusing. So, here i go. Once upon a time, a noble prince saw a sight that was so august that it killed him. Afterwards the ground he was standing on burst into a searing conflagration and sunk into the ground. I find abrasive, callous people unpleasant to be around, especially those who emit acrid odors with alarming frequency. Unfortunately, I know several such individuals, but I will refrain from mentioning their names. Sweet Potatoes. Clandestine spies were quite common in Communist Russia during the late 20th century. It was probably very annoying. Terrorist generally have no compunction about their actions, but that’s probably because they are all dead  so that would make it rather difficult to display emotions of any sort. Many odd people wish to abjure their freedoms and their life in order to do weird things, like try to fly. It’s actually a bit disturbing. When I was four, I was elated when I discovered that I had found diamonds in my back yard. However, I did not know that the diamonds were really broken glass shards, and I cut up my hand when I picked up the diamonds to show to my parents. It really hurt. On the other hand, okra is green. The indelible memories of the Holocaust will remain in our culture forever. That is unless you are the Iranian government and refuse to believe the Holocaust occurred. If you give an obedient dog a command, then it should respond in an indulgent manner. Alas, the inveterate wild behavior of squirrels will forever prevent me from catching and taming one. It’s a shame really; squirrels do look quite fluffy. Oh my, how ironic that I should come upon this fitting word. Some may say that many of the points which this zany blog post contains are irrelevant to the assignment. These sentences, though, are symbolic. You didn’t realize that? Oh. Moving on though. As a child, nocturnal creatures from my imagination used to frighten me as I lie in my bed trying to fall asleep. Ah, now I get what that word in Spongebob ment. But I do not like to make Spongebob references since that show is starting to become platitude. Oh well. In fascist countries, the government often has to quell pro-democracy demonstrations, like in Syria. What a miserable place that would be to live in. Yuck! Although, I guess it would be better than living in a certain Austrian town inadvertently named after the english slang word for having…. Um, well, I’ll just leave it at that. awkward. It would be bad idea to build a town at the bottom af an active or even quiescent volcano. Now, please take a moment to ruminate on the insightful preachings of Martin Luther King Jr. and Mohandas Gandhi. Thanks a bunch =) The small group of school children had a tacit agreement to never reveal who had spilled the crude oil all over the teacher’s baby son. The athlete’s hard work had paid off, and his long time goal was almost tangible, but then he got hit by a bus. He didn’t die but his dream was crushed. It did not matter though because it was a stupid dream. The trenchant literary work known as the bible has many copies in circulation. How wonderful this is. Anyway, this is the end of my creative (for lack of a better term) and likely unique blog post. I hope it has enlightened you and brightened your day, but it probably hasn’t. Have a nice day though.

Song: http://www.lyricskeeper.com/llama-lyrics/219457-llama_llama_duck-lyrics.htm Llama Llama Duck By Llama


Death Is….

             Death is an obnoxious and stark element of life. Most people view death as a potent force of the cruel world and detest it, but others rely on it. Such people are fortune tellers who require the demand for their falsly clairvoyant attempts to unravel the future of a person’s life which generally includes their death to survive. However, these guile and disreputable people who lack integrity always misconstrue one’s “fortune” with the pretext of offering their expertise, and, since their work products are hardly conclusive or exemplary, they should should be avoided and disregarded. On a different note though, Death is the certainly final stop on life’s itenerary, and its finality should not be alluded to carelessly despite that many people seem incapable of fathoming the turmoil it can leave behind. Instead of focusing on superficial things while alive, you should strive to leave behind a positive legacy and something to placate the people you left behind and ease them of the endemic pain which becomes prevelent in a family after they lose a loved one. This legacy sholud leave a placid memory in the minds of the ones you love and should not protrude like an ugly edifice in an otherwise undisturbed area. Your legacy should also prefferably not be an example of plagarism but should instead be original, thoughtful, and reminiscent of your own life. For example, if you love nature, then construct plant a beautiful garden that will last for many years to come or, alternatively, if you enjoy the arts, strive to establish a school in your specefic field which will have the potential to pass on your valuable and unique expertise to countless future generations. Whatever you choose to do, though, make sure you create happy memories with the people near to you by taking them on memorable vacations with them or by taking part in interesting activities with them. Try to take an active part in their lives too and assure that they will think fondly of you when you depart and miss your irreplaceable company when you are no longer with them. After all, the last thing anyone wants to be is unloved, unwanted, and unneeded because you can never live a fullfilling life in this manner and will most certainly feel wary about leaving the earth in the same way in which you were born into it: as nobody special or worthwhile. However, if you do as instructed to do above, you can easily avoid all this unnecessary and harmful worry which can create a deep sense of despair and dread within a person’s life. Another benefit of leaving memories of your existance behind is that they have the potential to be enjoyed by numerous people for hundreds of years to come. Truly great individuals like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, or Thomas Edison live on in the memories of millions of people around the globe because of the objects they left behind on the earth both physically and in the minds of the  general population. However, even though most people are not like these truely great human beings, they can still live on for eternity. By doing even seemingly simple and ordinary tasks, a person can gain stardom. For example, you constantly read of people in the news who have saved someone from a car crash or preform some other deed of astounding human kindness. All it takes is some thought and the right situation to have the oppurtunity to make your permanent mark on the minds of an entire community. After that, and after establishing a lasting positive relationship with the wonderful people around you, you will have reached stardom of sorts and have the potential to live on forever.

Song link: http://www.lyrics007.com/Eric%20Clapton%20Lyrics/Tears%20In%20Heaven%20Lyrics.html

Picture:  Courtesy of news.discovery.com

The Truth Is…..

The truth is, or at least should be, an insuperable statement which doesn’t askew information, contain any misnomers, or profess falsehoods. Furthermore, the art of truth mustn’t be sinuous or require a skilled exponent to interpret if it is to be most effective. Before one confesses the truth, they ought to undergo a brief period of respite in order to overcome the lamentable condition caused from the guilt of lying, and they must organize their truthful statement so it won’t appear disheveled upon presentation. While admitting their actions to the person they wronged, an individual needs to refrain from garrulous habits and not become a wastrel of words. Lastly, the truthful statement should be delivered in a somber, crestfallen tone and should not be made to sound blithe, contentous, or alluring as this will only yield negative results. Afterwards, the person to which your confession is directed may take the news in one of many ways. They may acquiesce to your plea for forgiveness or they may covet retribution for your wickedness. However, if the being you lied to accepts your apology, you may become the vanguard of their friends for displaying such humility in the end, and, later, you may even find yourself with that person listening to one of the many sonorous sounds of nature and deeply enjoying yourself and your ironclad friendship. On the other hand, though, the exposure of your dirty deed may, as stated above, render your life extremely miserable as the people or persons affected by your evil doings may seek vicious revenge upon you in the worst cases. The possibilities of the havoc your victims can wreck upon your life are vast and are only limited by the resources at their disposal and their personal motivation. If they, in their later years, gain lots of money, power, or both, then you are most certainly in loads of trouble since they will have the power and time to destroy you to their heart’s content. Even though some of this will only conceivably happen if you have the misfortune of royally screwing over an obsessive and emotionally disturbed psychopath by lying to them, it is still theoretically possible. For example, one day you may wake to find that your house is on fire or that your new car has been towed. You may also discover that your assets have been frozen or stolen altogether. Public humiliation is also a likely possibility, as well is frequent verbal or physical harassment. If the person is really determined, you may be killed too, but, like I stated before, the possibilities are endless, and, if your victim is really creative, then they will definitely be able to think up something much more complex and devious than anything I can ever fathom. In fact, I don’t recommend lying to politicians, mobsters, CEOs, military officials, teachers, bankers, or in fact anyone else who can possibly have a drastic and dreadful impact on your life, especially those groups or individuals who have the power to inflict death because they can be very creative indeed. A word of warning though, there are many such violent or influential groups in existence so, if for some reason you have the inadvisable urge to lie or if you are stupid enough to think there is no other way out of a bad situation, then evaluate your victim before lying since it may be the last thing you do. On the whole, though, lying should generally be avoided at all costs since, in everyday life, it can have unwanted consequences and will certainly bring you either physical or emotional harm at some point in your life. If you do lie however, make sure to make amends and do everything possible to restore your relationship as this will certainly make a difficult life a little bit nicer and joyful.

Song: Your cheatin’ heart, Will make you weep, You’ll cry and cry, And try to sleep, But sleep won’t come, The whole night through, Your cheatin heart, will tell on you…
When tears come down, Like falling rain, You’ll toss around, And call my name, You’ll walk the floor, The way I do, Your cheatin’ heart, will tell on you…
Your cheatin’ heart, Will pine some day, And crave the love, You threw away, The time will come, When you’ll be blue, Your cheatin’ heart, will tell on you…
When tears come down, Like falling rain, You’ll toss around, And call my name, You’ll walk the floor, The way I do, Your cheatin’ heart, will tell on you…

Your Cheatin’ Heart” by Hank Williams Sr.

Picture:  Courtesy of flickr.com

Romeo and Juliet Persuasive Paper

Swartz 1

Alex Swartz

Mr. Neumann



The Scourge of High School Literature

————–As most any well-informed individual will know, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written in the late 1500s about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately unite their feuding families. It is among Shakespeare’s most popular archetypal stories of young teenage lovers, and it is widely considered by many people to be one of the greatest plays ever composed. Furthermore, most adults believe that Shakespeare’s work is a vital and indispensable piece of literary history which has helped shape many aspects of the world today. However, as a teenager myself, I can attest to the fact that most adolescents think otherwise and feel that this literary work should not be taught in high school, and for good reasons too. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet shouldn’t be included in high school curriculums since the piece’s dialogue is difficult to comprehend and is tedious to teens, because many young people aren’t mature enough to understand the deep and meaningful themes which are central to this play, and because there is a superior time to teach the materials which Shakespeare’s work exhibits than in the high school period. I myself fully agree with this statement and know that many other students my age and older do as well, even though there are some people who do not. Despite the irrefutable fact that there are many potent reasons to why teachers shouldn’t be required to teach Romeo and

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Juliet in their classes, I’ll only include two, the first of which is that the text and content of the play are antiquated and unexciting to many high schoolers.  

            Owing to the fact that all of the speaking in the play consists of Old English, members of the current and upcoming generation struggle to comprehend or care about the majority of the content of this work. For example, phrases like, “Gregory, on my word, we’ll not carry coals (Shakespeare and Crowther 4),” and, “Tis well thou art not fish. If thou hadst, thou hadst been poor-john (6),” appear particularly difficult to decipher and appear to have meanings completely opposite the thoughts which Shakespeare intended his characters to convey. Therefore, due to the incomprehensibility of large parts of Romeo and Juliet, a good number of young adults have no idea what happens in many scenes of this work.  In fact, when I asked a few intelligent adults to help me understand the discussions in this theatrical production, even they were unable to help me out because they too could not grasp what was going on in that particular scene. Since lots of individuals my age cannot follow the actions of the characters of this distinct example of Shakespeare’s creations, I see no point in teaching Romeo and Juliet in grade school since hardly anyone will appreciate specific information about it or realize the goal of their lessons. Given that all schools need to educate students about a variety of things to fulfill their function, I struggle to see the benefit of forcing pupils to read Romeo and Juliet if the learner does not gain anything from the lesson. Subsequently, administrators should not require high schoolers to take exams on something pointless that they don’t have a handle on since they will surely fail and only bring down their grade. However, even though making students read something that they cannot follow looks cruel, many more reasons exist to why school officials should not require educators to teach Romeo and Juliet in high school.   

            Swartz 3

————–High school students should not have to read and take examinations on their comprehension of this play because many teens do not possess the mental capabilities which would allow them to come to terms with the themes which Romeo and Juliet contains. While many people can easily understand some of the subject matter of this tragedy, like the theme of blinding love the quote, “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this nigh (Shakespeare and Crowther 62),” other themes prove far harder to interpret and appreciate. Therefore, due to the complex nature of this literary work’s content and the immaturity of many grade school students, Shakespeare’s work now looks even more unappealing and boring to the average freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior. As I myself know, if adolescents become bored with a topic or book, they will stop caring about the piece and stop doing the work associated with it, and, if an already antiquated literary piece contains content which teenagers are incapable of figuring out, then they will most certainly cease to read or retain concern about it. Since, as stated in the above paragraph, children and young adults should learn from the material which the schools teach them, then the school does not fulfill its purpose if a class’s pupils refuse to do the assigned work, and, consequently, do not learn the material. Because this very thing happens whenever human beings “teach” Romeo and Juliet” in a classroom, only failure awaits those who attempt the pointless task of attempting to instill knowledge about the writings of Shakespeare into the minds of a course group, and they might as well have the students throw bananas at each other given that this would produce better results than trying to teach Shakespeare in a high school class. However, although you should now realize that Romeo and Juliet should obviously not be taught in high school classes, other people still beg to differ.

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————–Proponents of teaching Romeo and Juliet in public school, like Gordon Bartley, fervently claim that, “the variety of literary styles and elegant imagery [Shakespeare] worked into his poems are regarded as some of the greatest expressions of life and beauty (Bartley, Yahoo.com),” and that, “[Shakespeare’s] insight into human behavior is accurate and persuasive (Yahoo.com).” While I couldn’t agree more with those statements, people like Gordon seem to miss a crucial point of the argument against teaching Shakespeare in school. Though I personally do not have anything against the artful works of William Shakespeare and believe that scholars should still try to implant Shakespeare’s creations in the minds of youths, I think that professors should wait to teach the material in those plays until a later date. Instructors could just as easily teach the contents of Shakespeare’s masterpiece during the college career of an undergraduate, and, at this point, the schoolchild would also better understand the essential and insightful matters of Romeo and Juliet too. Since students of teenage years will not appreciate the striking conceptions of the aforementioned great poet, advocates of schooling learners about Romeo and Juliet and other plays like it simply waste their time and effort when they endeavor to achieve their goal. For my part, I hold the belief that the people who encourage the instruction of Shakespearean plays in school should instead devote their time to a more-worthwhile cause that would have a better effect on students and teachers alike. However, you may also find it reassuring to learn that actions exist which you can do to in order to inspire your community leaders to remove Shakespeare’s works from the school curriculum.  

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————–School officials should not require educators to teach Shakespeare’s historical tragedy Romeo and Juliet in grade schools. High schoolers find this play mind-numbing and monotonous and cannot appreciate the material in the literary work in the first place so those beings that struggle to get Shakespearean products and other arrangements like it taught in the high schools of this country merely squander their time when they do so. Due to the unquestionable point that bidding to instruct Shakespeare in teenage-level educational institutes does not achieve any educational goals, you should endeavor to change the curriculum of high school classes in which people promote teaching Shakespeare. I encourage you to petition and write your school district representatives and explain to them your viewpoints about teaching literature like Romeo and Juliet in the public school system. Instead, suggest to the educational officials of public schools and colleges to have the lessons of Shakespeare moved to university classes. By waiting until a later date to instill the material of theses classical Elizabethan Era theater production into the minds of students, the learners will not only better grasp the material, but they will also appreciate it more. So, go out and work to change the world for the better because I know you will find the results both beneficial and pleasing to you and to your community.   

Swartz 6

Bartley, Gordon. “Education: The Importance of Teaching Shakespeare.” Yahoo.com.(2008): n. page. Web. 29 Feb. 2012. <Education: The Importance of Teaching Shakespeare>.

Shakespeare, William, and John Crowther. Romeo and Juliet. United States: Spark Publishing, 2003. 4,6,62.

(Please Note: The second and third lines of the above citations are supposed to be indented however I could not figure out how to do this. The blog would not allow me to indent using underlines (_) or spaces. I apologize for the error.)

Works Cited

Bartley, Gordon. “Education: The Importance of Teaching Shakespeare.” Yahoo.com. ______________(2008): n. page. Web. 29 Feb. 2012. <Education: The Importance of ______________Teaching Shakespeare>.


Shakespeare, William, and John Crowther. Romeo and Juliet. United States: Spark ______________Publishing, 2003. 4,6,62.


______________School officials should not require educators to teach Shakespeare’s historical tragedy Romeo and Juliet in grade schools. High schoolers find this play mind-numbing and monotonous and cannot appreciate the material in the literary work in the first place so those beings that struggle to get Shakespearean products and other arrangements like it taught in the high schools of this country merely squander their time when they do so. Due to the unquestionable point that bidding to instruct Shakespeare in teenage-level educational institutes does not achieve any educational goals, you should endeavor to change the curriculum of high school classes in which people promote teaching Shakespeare. I encourage you to petition and write your school district representatives and explain to them your viewpoints about teaching literature like Romeo and Juliet in the public school system. Instead, suggest to the educational officials of public schools and colleges to have the lessons of Shakespeare moved to university classes. By waiting until a later date to instill the material of theses classical Elizabethan Era theater production into the minds of students, the learners will not only better grasp the material, but they will also appreciate it more. So, go out and work to change the world for the better because I know you will find the results both beneficial and pleasing to you and to your community.