Bucket list

1. Ride in a Boeing 747

2. See the world

3. Get rich

4. Create something worthwhile

5. Run a company

6. Rule a country

7. Live to be 100 years old

8. Fly a fighter jet

9. Drive in LeMans

10. Go on a luxury cruise

11. Buy and destroy my schoolbus

12. Demolish a building with explosives as a demolition expert

13. Meet the Queen

14. Have my picture on the cover Forbes magazine

15. Meet the president

16. Fire a missle

17. Win the nobel prize

18. Rescue someone

19. Drive in a car chase

20. Be on Top Gear

21. Have the finest car collection in the world

22. Live in a big house

23. Taste caviar

24. Go into outer space

25. Have my own family

26. Make a lasting impact on the world

27. Get into a top college

28. Make all A’s in highschool

29. Live in NYC

30. Live in a foreign country

31. Make the world a nicer place

32. Drive big construction equipment

33. Pilot a nuclear submarine

34. Write a book

35. Climb Mt. Kilamanjaro

36. Learn the difference between affect and effect

37. Graduate from a top college.

38. Take my mother to French Polynesia

39. Get all A’s in college

40. Become an engineer

41. Get a master’s degree in my chosen profession

42. Get an A on this blog post

43. Set foot on the moon

43. Become one of Time’s top 10 most-influential people

44. Make an important scientific discovery

45. Meet the Pope

46. Do something unique and amazing

47. Be on Mythbusters

48. Captain a huge ship.

49. Own a large gemstone

50. Own a bar of solid gold

51. Buy everything in the Smithsonian

52. Have an office in the top of the world’s tallest building

52. See and touch exotic animals

53. Make the school buy us better laptops

54. Strike oil

55. Find a sizeable mineral deposit

56. Fly in a helicopter

57. Learn how to scuba dive

58. Somehow make D.C. less corrupt, ineffecient, and out of touch with the rest of the country

59. Take part in a parade

60. Have something no one else has

61. Witness a miracle

62. Go horseback riding in the English moors

63. Go off roading in a jeep

64. See the superbowl in person

65. Own a private jet

66. Create the next big social media craze

67. Live in LA.

68. Split an atom

69. Live in the 1950’s

70. Live in the 1920’s

71. Live in antebellum-era Georgia

72. Fight in a dogfight

73. Live in classical Britian

74. Witness something first

75. See something that will literally leave me speachless

76. Take car of a baby animal

77. Drive some of the greatest and most specalized land vehicles on the planet

78. Drive a Ferrari

79. Go deep sea fishing

80. Create a new flavor of icecream

81. Find a cure for the common cold

82. Only get sick once every one or two years

83. Experience zero gravity

84. Have a vast and diverse library

85. Run a road race

86. Learn to type faster

87. See the bottom of the ocean

88. See where the Titanic sank

89. Laugh at China’s downfall

90. Try every one of Gigi’s cupcakes

91. Eat a box of fine chocolate

92. Own a Rolex

93. Get a chauffer

94. Never have to ride the school bus again

95. Star in a James Bond movie

96. Learn a third language

97. Have my name on the Walk of Fame

98. Get a scholarship

99. Hug a panda

100. Design a car

Song: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/k/kris_allen/live_like_were_dying.html


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